The Gerald Obah Legacy Fund
Gerald Obah danced with DanceWorks New York City for 11 seasons and was tragically killed by a drunk driver on July 12, 2018. Gerald was a pillar in the DanceWorks community. A loyal friend who cheered the loudest and supported everyone with enthusiasm. Anyone who attended one of our shows left knowing who Gerald Obah was; he left everything he had on that dance floor.
We hope that this Fund provides an outlet to celebrate Gerald's life and ensure his legacy lives on. If you would like to honor Gerald, and share his common interest in dance and life, please consider making a donation to his Go Fund Me campaign:

Over $40,000 dollars has been donated in Gerald’s name. Early donations went to support Gerald’s family, to Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD), and to support the fellow passenger injured in Gerald’s car accident. All future fundraising goes toward Gerald Obah Dance Scholarships which are awarded to Black male youth dancers who demonstrate the upstanding characteristics that Gerald lived by: a commitment to dance and the performing arts, a supportive and friendly community member, and living life full out on his own terms. All donations, as well as the use of funds, is coordinated with the Obah Family.
Summary of Amounts Raised
Summary of Donations
The Gerald Obah Dance Scholarship
The application for scholarships is open and awarded on a rolling basis.
The Gerald Obah Dance Scholarship is a merit based scholarship for youth Black male dancers. The scholarship is awarded to youth dancers that demonstrate the upstanding qualities and characteristics that Gerald lived by: a commitment to dance and the performing arts, a supportive and friendly community member, and living life full out on his own terms. Gerald was a friend to all he came across in this twenty-seven years. This scholarship was created to allow his legacy to live on through dance and make a positive impact in the community.
Award amounts vary. If a dancer is awarded the scholarship, they could receive up to $2,000 in dance education and performing arts classes paid for through the donations made to the Gerald Obah DanceWorks Legacy Fund. As your sponsor, DanceWorks will work with the dancer’s family to find dance studios, conventions, classes, or performing arts education programs in your area. We want these classes to be both convenient and meet your needs and interests as a dancer. Staff from DanceWorks LLC will work with the dancer’s family on selecting the best studio/program for the youth dancer, purchase classes, and make sure your education in the arts is a pleasant one. If you know a student that would be a good match for this scholarship, SUBMIT AN APPLICATION for them today.
*All donations, and the use of funds, are in coordination with The Obah family*
Can't make a donation? Make a personal pledge, and don't drink and drive. No More Victims®
Watch Gerald’s DanceWorks New York City Project dances on his dedicated YouTube Playlist.
Thank you for your support. #DWNYClove #DANCEGERALD