Teresa has been dancing since she was 4 years old. She first fell in love with dance in her tap dance class at Miss Clare’s School of Dance on Long Island where she continued all throughout her childhood, until she also took on ballet, gymnastics, kickline, and jazz. She became the captain of her high school’s competitive kickline team, and choreographed 4 dances for the team during her time there.

Teresa then went on to Stony Brook University, where she was mostly focused on her Math and Economics degree. However, she missed dancing every day and joined the Deja Vu Dance team there. During her time with Deja, she was exposed to new styles of dance, where they performed to hip hop, dancehall, and reggae music.

Right after college, Teresa joined Mint Dance Company, a competitive team in NYC. With Mint, she competed at large competitions such as World of Dance and Prelude. She also created choreo projects twice a year during her time with Mint.

Teresa is now working at a mortgage startup in Manhattan, and at night she has been dancing on and off with DWNYC since 2018. Season 22 will be her second season choreographing with Danceworks, and she is very excited for another opportunity to create a full stage piece!